how to show post title of blogger on google

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why Blog Page Title Is Most Important Element?

Because Blog Page Title Show In Search Results. If Your Blog Title Is Well Optimized Then User Will Click And Visit Your Blog, Otherwise User Will Check Out Other Optimized Blogs. Blog Page Title Also Helps You To Boost Traffic.

If You Are Using Blogger's Default Title. It Will Show Blog Title Before Post Title. If You Are Using This You Will Surely Losing Visitors From Search Engines. (Google, Bing, Yahoo And Many More)

If You Don't Want To Lose Visitor Then Follow These Steps.
  1. Login To Blogger Account.
  2. Click Blog Title → Template → Edit HTML.
  3. Click Proceed Button.
  4. Then Find The Following Code by using Ctrl + F,
  5. <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
    <title><type Your Blog Title></title>

  6. Replace The Above Code With The Following Code.
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "index"'>
    <title><data:blog.pageName/> | Your Blog Title</title>
    <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + " - Your Blog Title"' name='description'/>
    <meta content='Your Blog Title' name='description'/>
  7. Replace Your Blog Title With Your Blog Title.
  8. Save Your Template And You Are Done.
Benefits After Using Above Code

This Will Show Post Title Before Blog Title. It Will Boost Your Traffic From Search Engines For Sure. Make Sure That Your Post Title Length Is Not Greater Than 60 Characters. If It Increase It Will Add (...) In Then End Of Title In Search Results.

Source :
you can see the original article here.

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